Welcome to HAMSAFE - HAM (Amateur Radio) Security Advisory and Fortification Experts

We are a Cyber Security Working Group aiming to improve cyber security practices and education for Amateur Radio service users. Our group is globally inclusive, welcoming members and information from all around the world. We primarily use English for our communications and discussions. We operate as a committee, focusing on vulnerabilities related to Amateur Radio services.

Stay connected and involved with our Cyber Security Working Group. Subscribe to our mailing list at https://groups.io/g/HAMSAFE for more information.

We provide the HAMSAFE Knowledge Hub, a comprehensive resource for Amateur Operators. Dive into our wiki to explore a wealth of information on cyber security practices for Amateur Operators.

Our group has a DMR talkgroup on TGIF network #8086.

Date Alert
06/02/2024 Alert: Beware of Romance Scams Targeting Amateur Radio Users

We are also a lobbyist group which advocates for the use of encryption on Amateur radio for sending sensitive information such as passwords, and also for experimentation purposes keeping in the spirit of Amateur Radio. We believe that this is a crucial step towards ensuring the security and privacy of all users.

For further information, please contact the trustee at [email protected]. For help with accessing TGIF click here.